Now is the time to show your support for public funding of political campaigns and help Dennis Spisak win the
2008 election for Ohio House 60th District!
A key component of Dennis' s strategy to win is the grassroots funding available to statewide candidates
in Ohio. By taking advantage of the Ohio Income Tax Credit for Campaign Contributions, we can prove the viability of publicly
funded campaigns and help bring an end to corporate and special interest control of our elections.
This is not a check-off contribution to a common fund but a full tax credit for campaign contributions to a
specific candidate of up to $50 per individual or $100 for couples filing jointly. This is not a deduction. It is a full tax
credit. You will be reimbursed with a credit towards the taxes you are assessed by the State of Ohio when you file your 2008
return. This is a great way to promote the new priorities that need to be enacted if we are to move beyond the failed policies
of our present corporate funded leadership.
By donating now, you will help Dennis raise funds to run a winning campaign and direct our government
to spend your tax dollars in support of the issues that are important to you and your family.
Please make your check payable to:
Spisak for State Rep
548 Poland Ave.
Struthers,Ohio 44471
Donate the full amount and receive the full tax credit. Remember to file this donation with your 2008 Ohio
Income Tax to receive the 2008 credit. Act now. Don’t let these funds go unused!
Ohio law mandates that your check must have your full name and address on it - PO boxes are not
allowed. Contributions over $100 must include your employer’s name.